Carbon Fiber CNC Cut Control Horns, Extreme Flight 100/120cc size airplanes
Cut from 100% Virgin Carbon Fiber plate that was laid up with epoxy pre-preg layers in 45 degree alternating directions. Auto clave cured under vacuum assuring the plates are perfectly flat and uniform thickness.
Non geek talk these are made from some of the highest quality Carbon Fiber plate on the market!
This is a complete set for Extreme Flight 100-120cc Laser and Extra NG airframes. Those two airplanes we know for sure use the same horns and they were what we used as the test bed. Thickness of material and the geometry is exactly the same as the stock fiberglass horns. You absolutely don’t have to use the Carbon Fiber horns but it’s a LOT cooler if you do!!
If you need any carbon fiber custom cut please feel free to contact us. We have this capability with a quick turnaround if needed.